Digital Out Of Home Advertising (DOOH) — The Future of Outdoor Media

Carol Sobers
6 min readAug 27, 2019


Ad agencies and brands have made huge investments in their marketing budgets on billboards, hoardings, posters, and other forms of outdoor advertising a decade ago.

But the digital advancements, technological developments, and growth of social media influence have resulted in challenging this traditional Out-of-Home Advertising in recent years.

What is Out-of-Home advertising?

Out-of-Home advertising is a traditional form of offline outdoor advertising that advertises to the audience at public spaces, commute stations & channels, commercial spaces, or even in places with the constant audience presence.

Besides, Out-of-Home advertising is also known as outdoor media or offline advertising with no digital or programmatic involvement.

The dominance of online media advertising and technological innovation have called for Out-of-Home advertising to bring in the key element in the present-day advertising world i.e. DIGITAL.

The Out-of-Home (OOH) has evolved into Digital Out of Home (DOOH).

Digital Out-of-Home Advertising (DOOH)

Digital out of home advertising is simply the integration of offline out-of-home advertising with digital elements.

This trend of DOOH has created its dominance over the traditional offline out-of-home advertising.

Also, Digital out of home advertising is interactive and attractive advertising empowered by digital channels & elements that are displayed in environments accessible to the public.

Digital out of home offers various benefits over old-age Out-of-Home advertising by using technology like digital billboards, digital signage, display screens, etc.

The Influence of DOOH Over OOH

Advantages of technologies are known to all and DOOH offers that through online display advertising with enhanced creativity & targeting, constant traffic, better visibility, and many more attention-grabbing elements.

Out-of-home advertising was dull and boring that required a lot of human-effort for implementation which is not the case with DOOH.

DOOH allows you to monitor, track, modify, manage, and display content at your own discretion and in real-time as well.

With the growing demand by the audience for faster and more personalized content that is accessible on-the-go.

The digital out of home advertising fits right in the picture as it perfectly satisfies these demands with greater effectivity & efficiency. And it is not possible with out-of-home offline advertising.

Benefits With Digital Out-of-Home Advertisements

There are immense possibilities that DOOH offers to your business and we have listed a few key ones here that will give you a better understanding & insights.

#1 Location Benefits

There are two ways through which locations can be leveraged to make the most of your digital out-of-home advertising.

Firstly, There are various hotspots in a city like a city center, train stations, bus stations, commercial hubs, shopping markets, etc. where you can display DOOH advertisements.

These hotspots are hubs of consumers and provide constant and maximum exposure to the audience.

Secondly, mobile-based location tracking analytics allows you to get insights into consumer behavior that can be leveraged in real-time to display the creative and targeted advertisements to the audience.

#2 Content Creativity

Content is of prime importance for any advertising as it is what consumers are attracted to and engage with. Digital out of home advertising displays allow you to present dynamic and creative content.

Based on the audience insights, display locations, demographics, seasons, trends, and many more details you can display more personalized and influential content to the audience.

You can even aggregate, moderate, and display user-generated content as part of your digital out of home advertising campaign by using Social media content aggregation and display tools like Taggbox.

User-generated content is extremely influential and around 9 out of 10 people tend to trust UGC for their shopping decisions.

Displaying user-generated content helps in driving higher engagement and helps in building social proof for your brand.

As consumers feel more rewarded, gratified, and tend to trust the authenticity of the advertising message.

Besides, you get more creative and unique content from diverse audience groups and different perspectives for the same product & brand.

#3 Omnichannel Advertising

Digital out of home advertising provides an all-in-one solution for advertising in both offline and online spectrum through digital signages and display screens along with social media networks.

As the social media feeds and content is displayed along with promotional messages, it has a link to both online environment through social media & offline through displaying these feeds and promotions on display screens and digital signages at events, public spaces, and much more.

Taggbox is one such amazing tool for omnichannel advertising as it serves the purpose of both online & offline advertisements through social media content promotions, aggregation, moderation, and display opportunities.

This helps in omnichannel advertising without any additional effort or resource investments. And maximum advertising touchpoints will result in maximized exposure and audience engagement.

Also Read: Technologies to Increase Audience Engagement in Events

#4 Offline Personalization

It was impossible to deliver personalized advertising in a traditional offline advertising environment but it has become possible with DOOH advertising & its integration with artificial intelligence & recognition.

Personalization is a key element of present-day advertising as it shapes the consumers’ initial experience with the brand.

And consumers’ initial experience with a brand is highly influential in shaping their further journey into engagement & purchase funnel.

Recognition technology with features like sentiment recognition, behavior analysis, facial expression analysis, and image recognition along with digital out of home advertising could immensely help in delivering personalized advertising in an offline environment.

#5 Higher Audience Engagement

Online display advertisements have seen an extremely low click-through-rate from the audience as they have been known to hinder the online user-experience.

But with DOOH advertising, you can display advertisements effectively with the potential of creating awareness, exposure, and driving engagement.

As these DOOH advertisements are placed strategically at places where there are high chances of idle time for the audience like at bus stops, train stations, or commute mediums.

Besides, these DOOH advertisements are tremendously expressive, informational, and can be customized to deliver maximum creativity & interaction.

Brands like Pepsi, British Airways, Nike, Porche, and many more have used these DOOH advertisements to boost their user-engagement and consumer experience.

#6 Better ROI

Investments on offline traditional billboards, posters, and hoardings are extremely high and recurring in nature. Besides, they require labor costs for implementation & installation with enhanced time consumption.

DOOH displays can be installed quickly with only upfront costs of screens and setup. And they don’t have recurring costs, manual labor costs, or printing costs.

This helps in reducing the overall advertising budget where maximized engagement can be derived with minimal cost, effort, and time investments.

Also, Display screens can be modified and moderated in real-time with the possibility of displaying fresh content with constant updates for recurring audience engagement.

Brand Examples of Digital Out-of-Home Advertising

Here are some of the prime examples of brands using digital outdoor media advertising effectively & successfully.

#1 Facebook’s Pride display

This is one of a beautiful and influential example of a brand using Digital signage for a social cause. On the occasion of gay pride week, Facebook Israel installed digital screens showcasing content mentioning pride week.

Facebook Israel used Taggbox social wall as the partner to aggregate and display social media content with the social wall which contained photos, videos, and live updates from around the country.

The engaging and interesting user-generated content was displayed to celebrate the Gay pride week.

People were motivated to share their opinions, ideas, and experiences relating to Gay pride week. This massively encouraged conversations, discussions, and engagement from the audience.

The underline is that Facebook and Taggbox were mediums that empowered users to share, interact, and celebrate this “Pride-filled” occasion.

#2 British Airways’ “Magic of flying”

British Airways managed to touch sky and clouds with its digital outdoor media advertising quite excitingly. British Airways installed digital screens in the most crowded and famous locations of London.

British Airways’ “Magic of Flying” advertisement aimed at highlighting the diverse destinations they served flights to.

In this video, you can see a rooftop digital screen with a British Airways flight in the background sky where the child is pointing towards the actual flight and digital screen showing the flight details and city of destination.

This is a prime example of personalized advertising with the merger of both online and offline environments with great ad aesthetics.

The future for DOOH advertising

The idea of digital out of home advertising is a modernized version of old-age outdoor offline advertising with integrated digital elements for better exposure, reach, and engagement.

Digital displays with interactivity, creativity, and engagement value for the audience at high-audience traffic hub spots could be valuable assets to the brands.

There are still many possibilities and unopened doors that can be explored to find new implementations, targeting hubs, creative customizations, and effective advertising by implementing Digital out-of-home advertisements.

Originally published at on August 27, 2019.



Carol Sobers
Carol Sobers

Written by Carol Sobers

I am an enthusiastic content curator with a zeal to write anything and everything about content marketing and related domains

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